Groove Temple – Various Artists

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Album Review by Mark Bayross

More globe-hopping organo-trance from Australian world music label Music Mosaic, and much like earlier releases such as TRIBAL GROOVE, this brings together artists from all corners of the earth in a fusion of modern electronics and traditional instrumentation.

From the very pretty washes of the opening YANTRA DE VILDER and ZIA MOREAU’s ‘Terra Australis’ to the more earthy, Dead Can Dance-style tones of SOLACE’s Indian-flavoured ‘Bhaarat’, this is another journey to far-off lands and into “the inner landscape of our minds” (c.f. PROFESSOR TRANCE’s ‘Inner Horizon’).

Electronic beats occasionally encroach into the mix (as on LOST AT LAST’s ‘Radhe’), but the majority of GROOVE TEMPLE’s tracks are given over to a heady blend of tablas, sarod, hajouj, cello, guitar and haunting mantras.

It does get a bit Jean-Michel Jarre at times, but, for the most part, this is mesmerising stuff.

4 stars